Thursday, 7 January 2010

Movie 7: Freebird

Three biker mates head off to Wales to buy some wild grown weed from a hippy in the woods. And to get wasted and have a bit of a laugh, cause they’re bikers. Unbeknownst (big word!) to them a small war is brewing between the Wessex Men and the locals over the death of one of the Wessex boys a few years ago and our “heroes” are caught in the middle.

Kinda. The main part of the movie is really about the 3 guys. And its great stuff, not just because they spend the last half of the movie off their tits on mushrooms. While this is a black comedy, containing adult themes and drug use, it’s more comedy than black really. And has a small thread of drama running through the middle as the guys contemplate their futures.

My mums a biker, itching for the rallies to start up again right now, so I’ve met a fair few in the last couple of years. While the ones that I know aren’t quite as rough as Grouch, Tyg and Fred those guys would probably fit right in. Grouch is the permanently fucked up guy who provides many of the early laughs, Tyg is a bit of a head case and Fred is as close to sensible as your going to get here. And there’s a bunch of weird Welsh bastards (including a gimp) to round things out along with the Wessex boys who are a bit boring really

This is a tiny wee movie from what I can tell so it might not be all that easy to get a hold off everywhere. But it is out on DVD and is worth picking up. If only because watching and buying movies like this helps out the lower level of the industry, which leads to more interesting movies like this. And that can’t hurt. Plus it might lead to work for me ;)

Next up: The Forbidden Kingdom

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