Wednesday 21 April 2010

Movie 111: Annie Hall

The story of the relationship between neurotic New York comedian Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) and a girl who’s name is the same as the title (Diane Keaton).

Really, that’s how short the synopsis can be.

Much like it’s male star, the style of this film is a bit all over the place. On the one hand its somewhat surreal. The main character breaks the fourth wall sporadically and one a few occasions a group of characters will be present witnesses to flash backs, like Scrouge and one of the ghosts. One scene features subtitles of what the people are really thinking. Another has their concurrent thoughts.

On the other hand it’s a realistic portrayal of relationships, all be it one between two relatively messed up people. And the style of conversation is generally realistic too, with people talking over each other slightly in an Altman style.

Its rather good too. Like I said, it shows a realistic relationship rather than a rom com fall in love, contrived problem, break up, get back together, happily ever after. It’s two people going through a chunk of life together.

I was going to make the, I think its Family Guy, joke about how I like Woody Allen movies except for that nervous Jewish guy that’s in all of them. But I do like Woody Allen movies. For the most part anyway, going by what little I’ve seen. There is a slight problem with characters talking in over intellectual wanky style, but this movie mocks that as much as it indulges in it.

It’s extremely 70’s too. Lots of hair all over the place with some iffy clothes here and there. If you keep an eye out there are three appearances by actors that would be classed as celebrity cameos too. Christopher Walken barely appears as Annie’s messed up brother. Technically he was actually known at the time so it’s a bona fide cameo. Jeff Goldblum has one line in a blink and you’ll miss it featured extra position. And Sigourney Weaver is in there in an actual extra position, her first credit on film apparently.

I think a lot of relationship movies have probably borrowed a lot from this one over the years, unless Annie Hall is ripping something off that I don’t know about. I can definitely see the influence on (500) Days of Summer.

If you don’t mind the nervous Jew I’d check this one out. Not on a date though, it’s probably not the best date movie….

Next up: The Broken Hearts Club. The second in a possible series of three cheats as it’s a movie I saw late at night and remember being good. The first was 3 o’clock High and the third is a nam movie called 84 Charlie MoPic which I will be watching if I get my hands on it.

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